- Toxic Love Potion $25.00
- Glitchy Muse $25.00
- Layered Divinity $25.00
- Error Glitch $25.00
- Satellite Reception $25.00
- Bent space and time $25.00
- Project 1988 $25.00
- Vape Scenery $25.00
- Pizza Splat! $25.00
- Pyramid of the sun $25.00
- Thoughtwave $25.00
- "Wisdom" $25.00
- Pac-Vamp $25.00
- Pac-Vamp (The Sticker) $3.00
- Mysterious Monkey $25.00
- Cosmo Vision $25.00
- Bloody Good Halloween $25.00
- Halloween '84 $25.00
- Checkered Bubblewave $25.00
- Ligan Starr Glitch $25.00
- Hypno Flower $25.00
- eye of Enlightentainment $25.00
- Keyboard Warrior Medal $3.00