- White Rabbit $20.00
- White Wolf in the Woods $20.00
- Black Cats Blep $20.00
- Suspicious Cats Christmas $20.00
- Ugly Medieval Cats Millefleur $20.00
- Octopus in the Deep (Gold Version) $20.00
- Octopus in the Deep $20.00
- Fox in Cherry Blossoms $20.00
- A Quiet Summer Spot (Book Reading Monster) $20.00
- Bird & Winter Berries $20.00
- Monstera Monsters $20.00
- Donut Tantrum $20.00
- Tiny Pegasus $20.00
- Suspicious Cats $20.00
- Tiny Nessie $20.00
- Summer Garden Window $20.00
- Skateboard Cat $20.00
- A Simple Rose $20.00
- MIND BLOWN. $20.00
- Tropical Dragon in Peach $20.00
- A Quiet Spot $20.00