DBH Unity Through Art Contest

Unity Through Art - Theme Overview:
Create an original design to convey the concept of Unity Through Art to celebrate the 1 year anniversary of Design By Humans. Art is the lifeblood of society and transcends cultural and language barriers, evoking universal emotions without the aid of translation or diplomats.

  1. You can (but don't have to) use the DBH logo and/or name (download in .eps format).
  2. Any and all designs and printing techniques are allowed.
  3. Submissions accepted July 15 - July 31 (You get only TWO WEEKS! So Get busy!). Winners announced the following week.
  4. Winners chosen by Jason and Matt Gutierrez (founders of DBH).
  5. Winners will be printed and made available in the DBH shop.

    1. Submit Design

1st Place - $1,500 Cash

2nd Place - $1,000 Cash

3rd Place - $500 Cash

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